About prophets, believes and hopes of any guru

Q: There are prophets and false prophets – how do you make a difference? A: Only a false prophet will proclaim himself a prophet. We have a saying in India: respect is commanded, you can not demand it. If your actions are respectable people will automatically respect you. You can not walk around ...

November 2015


Photos taken in November 2015

Guru-Disciple Relationship

  Man: What is an ideal relationship between a guru and a disciple? S: There is a shloka in Sanskrit about a disciple and a guru. A disciple is like a son and a guru should treat him as a son. A guru is also like a son, because he also is a human being and he also needs help from time to ...

Yoga Teaching

Guruji: I teach yoga. People study yoga and come to me if they have any problems. I’m glad to show them the right way. I’m happy to help them. I help only those disciples, who are really interested in investigation. I can’t help everybody, it’s just impossible. We study yoga in all its variety. ...